Preservation & Conservation of Union’s Historic Cemeteries

Union Baptist Church of Cincinnati is the second oldest African American church in Cincinnati, Ohio and the oldest African American Baptist church in Cincinnati, Ohio, founded in 1831. The church currently owns and operates the two oldest African American cemeteries in Ohio,
Union Baptist Cemetery in Price Hill and the United Colored American Cemetery in Madisonville.

Since 2019, a small group of volunteers has begun the preservation and restoration work required at both cemeteries as well as the related archival of primary burial documentation under the auspices of the Union Foundation, the 501(c)3 nonprofit arm of the church.


Goals and Objectives

žRestoration of both properties
žRestoring or replacing headstones
žInstall landscaping to create a safe space for grieving families, and a welcoming space for researchers
žDevelop ongoing public programming
žDigitally map both properties

žDigitize and transcribe entire collection in partnership with the
Cincinnati Public Library
žConservation of damaged items
žCreation of a finding aid
žPublication of collection
žOngoing scholarship and public programming


Community Partners

              NURFC                 Cincinnati Public Library       University of Cincinnati      The Mercantile Library