Here you will find Statements of Faith as to what we believe regarding the personal relationship between God and man.


Here is a glimpse of the church ministries that have been structured to meet the needs of the holistic family: father, mother and children.


Have you ever asked yourself the question, “Am I going to heaven when I die?” God says, in order to go to heaven, you must be born again.


Please click on the link to watch our weekly broadcast worship service. (Search for Union Baptist Church)


Summer Revival Services

Join us for a time of spiritual renewal and revival during our summer revival services scheduled for Sunday-Tuesday, June 30th - July 2nd, 7:00pm nightly! Three local pastors and congregations will be our very special guests along with you and your family!

Summer Church Family Picnic

It's time for fellowship! Our church family picnic is open to all members and friends on Saturday, July 13, 2024 from 10:00am - 5:00pm. Come out for good food, fun, games and fellowship! Location information is on the flyer.

193rd Church Anniversary

Join us in the celebration of our 193rd Church Anniversary as we welcome home, Pastor Shawn D. Pate from Mt. Ararat Baptist Church, Rutherford, NJ as our special guest preacher!

Tuesday Morning Corporate Prayer

Corporate prayer coupled with a devotional message will be held each Tuesday morning at 6:30am EST.

Word Wednesday Bible Study

Join us every Wednesday evening at 7:30pm EST on Facebook Live and our YouTube channel for our Word Wednesday Bible Study sessions with Dr. Yates!




Union Baptist is totally committed to Jesus Christ, His Word, and people, and we want you to experience this reality throughout the ministries of our church. The focus of our church is about showing compassion, “Love in Action!” Whether you attend regularly or are our guest, we want you to experience the wonderful Love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!


8:30 am – Church in Worship (Television Ministry)

9:30 am – 10:20 am – Sunday Bible School (In-Person – Main Sanctuary)
10:45 am – Church in Worship (In-Person & Social Media Livestream)

10:45 am – Children’s Church (In-Person – Ages 0-12)

6:30 am – Corporate Prayer Service (Zoom Conference Call)

7:00 pm – Men’s Ministry Bible Study (On Summer Recess)

7:30 pm – Word Wednesday Bible Study (Livestream – YouTube & Facebook

8:00 am – UBC Radio Broadcast on WCVG (1320 AM)
1:00 pm – Saturday Bible School (Conference Call: (712) 770-5505 / Code: 344097)


The mission of Union Baptist Church is to bring people to Jesus Christ and membership in His family, grow them in spiritual maturity and equip them for ministry in the church and life Mission in the world in order to magnify God. In His divine wisdom, God has equipped the church so that we may be able to serve this present age through Worship, Fellowship, Discipleship, Ministry and Evangelism. God has given us a vision in this new millennium age to enlarge its Christian commitment to Jesus Christ, to His Word, and to people by providing Christ-centered worship experiences, ministries, and services that are relevant to nurturing the well-being of the holistic person (Spirit, Soul, Mind and Body).